I can't believe it's still California Month, tremor #51:
Psi Com - "City Of 9 Gates"
(Mohini Records, 1985 / Triple X Records, 1993)
The post I wrote about a band called The Autumns mysteriously vanished, so I had to turn to a quickie alternate plan, and my oh my what a Plan B it is. I mentioned my longtime obsession with this song in my other Psi Com post, so I decided to finally pull the trigger and post it. I think the lyrics might be about an acid trip, but hopefully not.
I've had a crush on Alex Wagner for some time now, based on her frequent guest appearances on The Rachel Maddow Show and other such cable political shows. She even helped me forget about my huge crush on fellow MSNBC contributor Ana Marie Cox, which is no small feat. So I was overjoyed to see her get her own show this week, NOW With Alex Wagner. I was pretty surprised to learn she was the editor-in-chief of hipster rag The Fader from 2003-7. I'll admit that I used to skim that magazine strictly to determine what bands to avoid, but I still think it's neato that she was so immersed in music. Wagner is a pretty powerful last name in showbiz, but I don't know anything about her ancestry, other than the fact that she appears to be at least half Asian. (A guy from Psi Com looked Asian too, but I forgot his name.) She looks like she's about 15, and constantly has this infectious ear-to-ear grin, as though she knows she has the winning Powerball ticket in her back pocket, even when casually eviscerating a douchebag pol. Much like Maddow, she has a mind like a supercomputer and totally guides any conversation she's in. I've never really seen anything quite like it, so check her show out. There are hardly any clips on YouTube of her talking politics, and there are only a handful of pics of her on the Google, but I assure you this will soon change as America falls in love with her charming ways and makes her its first female President in about 25 years. You heard it on Blowtorch Baby first. Hopefully she won't tap any of those stupid Fader-approved hipster acts to play at her Inauguration. (Can you even imagine how much America's worldwide standing would plummet if The Rapture or Sleigh Bells screeched their way through the Star-Spangled Banner or "Jesus, Take The Wheel" or whatever it is that they sing at Inaugurations? We'd become a third-world nation overnight.)
In the meantime, mouth-breathers on conservative websites are having a field day disparaging her for her comments about the Second Amendment. For example, this unflattering pic in a post at a site named Ammoland.com (really) is titled Freedom-Hating-News-Annalist-Alex-Wagner.jpg:
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"I will squash your guns into non-deadly metallic implements such as silverware or paper clips, and you won't even be able to shoot me while I do it." |
She inspired this hatred by using her pesky First Amendment rights to say:
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This face kills fascists |
I don't necessarily agree with that, but I don't disagree with it either. In a perfect world, guns would have never been invented, but they have been invented, so you have to face about the old adage "If guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns." And by "outlaws" I mean "Republicans and some random crackheads n' thugs." (Go look up the origin of the word thug; it's not what you think.) When I'm President, guns will still be legal, but it will be like in Holland where you have to prove you only want it for hunting, take a comprehensive course on using one, and submit to frequent home checks. And even the tiniest offense will result in a lifetime loss of gun privileges. Like, if you even cough on an American flag or pet a bald eagle's feathers in the wrong direction, NO GUNS FOR YOU.
Yesterday I donated some plants & a little cypress tree to Parkway Partners, then sold a bunch of CDs to Skully'z for the first time in 1.5 years. Right before driving in to NOLA, I gave a baby Live Oak tree to an elderly guy who was walking down my street, who told me his name is Donald or Ronald Brown. He was ecstatic. While driving down Bourbon Street to Skully'z, I noticed a jazz singer with a great voice crooning in a courtyard, so I parked and then walked about a dozen blacks back to see who it was. Her name was Eilleen, I think, and the place was called Cafe Beignet, you know, that place with those corny statues of Pete Fountain, Louis Armstrong, and Chris Owens out front. It was my first time ever actually going in it, since it's so tourist-trap-y. I watched her sing for about half an hour, with little finches perching on my table and on nearby wire chairs begging for crumbs, while I ate a blueberry yogurt on a crystal-clear, crisp (65º) afternoon. It was pretty much my own little slice of paradise. It was just her, a black lady, accompanied by a seated white dude on jazz guitar. I finally went to Skully'z and bought Simple Minds' New Gold Dream on CD. (Already had it on LP & cassette.) We chuckled at a $400 Smiths box set he had just gotten in. Then I headed to Domino Sound Record Shack and donated some free seed packets I'd picked up at Parkway Partners; I bought a nice Rahsaan Roland Kirk LP for 6 bucks, and the owner (Matt) let me have a bunch of The Wire magazines for free. One of them has the band Broadcast on the cover, so I was reminded of their singer's recent death; I never liked their music too much, though.
Today I randomly ended up back to that part of town and saw that some sort of festival was going on, so of course I had to check it out. Zion Trinity and Sharon Martin performed; I got some bland macaroni & cheese for $3. An obese lady was sitting a table to sign copies of her book titled Wet, but I decided not to check out if it was about... that. Apparently no one else wanted to either, because her table had no visitors. I bought a few more things at Domino, including a Chameleons 7" I'd been wanting for many years. Matt played some of Matana Roberts' new album and said he thinks it's a masterpiece. Just another weekend of stumbling onto lots of cool shit in NOLA. Not to rub it in or anything, but why anyone would want to live anywhere else on earth is beyond me... Oh yeah, the heat, humidity, crime, govt. corruption, bad schools. Well, they build character, as the dad in Calvin & Hobbes used to always say. And another bonus is that Nicholas Cage recently moved away from here (I think), though he is allegedly constructing an elaborate pyramidal tomb in one of the cemeteries downtown.
Speaking of people with minds like supercomputers, I found this clip at about 2AM last night. Many YouTube commenters have accused it of being a backwards video, but it looks legit:
Planets with similar climates: Catherine Wheel - "Ferment" (1992), Plexi - "Peel / He" (1995) & "Peel" (1996), The Sound - "Missiles" (~1979) & "New Dark Age" (1981), Christian Death - "Cavity - First Communion" (1981), The Chameleons - "Second Skin" (1983).
Veins carry deoxygenated blood. Varicose veins are gnarled, twisted and dark blue in appearance, and are usually on the legs.
I don't think Perry Farrell went to med school. Maybe pharmacy school, based on his affinity for drugs...
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