March 17, 2011

Sorry Japan

Timing really is everything.  I actually composed that last post in late February but didn't throw it up onto here until a few hours ago.  I quickly realized the concept of "water torture" and the song lyric "burning like acid rain" seem pretty insensitive considering the Japanese earthquake and tsunami, and now the nuclear meltdown(s).  So... my bad for that dick move.
In my defense, I remember feeling really lame on the morning after I did the Windy & Carl post, with a drawing of a dumb seashell, implying the ocean is a cute n' fluffy place, while news of the tsunami was all over TV.

Currently loaning: Mysterious Skin, Bubble, The Seventh Continent, Anatomy DVDs to my sister.  I haven't watched any of them yet because the DVD half of my VHS/DVD player broke a few years ago.

Mind-blowing Jeff Van Gundy tenso found on the always-entertaining Basketbawful

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