November 23, 2011

Angry Samoans >> I can't take it no more

I can't believe it's still California Month, tremor #53:

Angry Samoans - "You Stupid Jerk"
(Bad Trip Records, 1982 / Triple X Records, 1995)

This is from an Angry Samoans compilation CD called The Unboxed Set which I bought shortly after Katrina for 50 cents at a flea market.  It was badly water-damaged and the booklet was stuck together; I later gave it to a thrift store or threw it away.  The song is originally from their 1982 album Back From Samoa.  I don't think any of the band members were Samoan, or ever went there.  This song goes out to Newt Gingrich, as does the Samoans' more complex ditty "You Stupid Asshole."

The Muffs covered this song on their '93 debut album, under the name "Stupid Jerk."

Today I played basketball (a few games of four-on-four and several games of 21) for about two hours, and yesterday I shot by myself for three hours.

How much would I be willing to pay for a vial of Juliana Hatfield's sweat?  You might be surprised!

Planets with similar climates: Ween - "You Fucked Up" (1989), The Raincoats - "Go Away" (1980).

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