November 30, 2011

New Math >> I've been waiting in the cold moonlight

I can't believe it's still California Month, tremor #63:

New Math - "Invocation"
(415 Records [U.S.] / CBS Records [Europe], 1982)

I don't know much about this band, other than the fact that they changed their name to Jet Black Berries.  (I bought a cassette by JBB ca. 2006, but hated it.)  I bought this New Math EP, They Walk Among You, three years ago just based on the cool band name, cover photo, and album title.  The band members look pretty suave on the back cover.  (This mp3 doesn't want to play properly, so I might take it down at some point.  It's the only mp3 I've ever posted that has done this.  Sorry.)

Just a cool song, not much more to say.  I have to say it's uncanny how identical the present-day band The Horrors sound to this song, down to the singer's dramatic snarl and vocal phrasing.  (Well, prior to their laid-back new album Skying, anyway.)

I played some 21 on this court at the end of Annunciation St. today.  The guy I was playing was pretty good, and we each scored about 40 points total before his lunch break ended and he had to leave.  Later I met the darned sweetest girl ever, working at this plant nursery on the Westbank that I never go to.  She had that short indie-girl haircut that was prevalent in the '90s, and seemed quite caffeinated, but in a good way.  I asked if she was from Georgia, based on her accent, and she said no, she was from Shreveport.  I related to her that I had recently asked my dad if said city (approx. the 100th biggest in the U.S.) had any art museums, aquariums, etc., and he said "Shreveport has nothing of cultural significance."  She seemed to agree with my dad on this.  I bought a crassula and a phlox.

I've been meaning to post these for a long time, so I might as well now... I seem to remember that there's a labyrinthine history behind the popularization of the "Fuck you I'm an anteater" meme, so you can look it up if you want to, but why would you want to do that when life is so short?  The other one is just a spoof of it.

Planets with similar climates: The Horrors - "New Ice Age" (2008), The Sound - "Winning" (1981).

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