November 29, 2011

Steve Roach & Robert Rich >> Touch that space

I can't believe it's still California Month, tremor #60:

Steve Roach & Robert Rich - "Touch"
(Hearts Of Space Records, 1992)

Two of the main dudes of '80s ambient music got together for a crazy party, threw all the rules of ambient music out the window, let it all hang out, etc., and this is what we got.  Well, they didn't really throw all the rules out the window, and there was probably no throwing involved... maybe some tea, some fondue, and some Trivial Pursuit.  In any case, this track, the last one on the album, is particularly weightless and beautiful, so distant and ephemeral that it's barely even there.  I love the delicate guitar plucking.  The other tracks on it are more in a tribal, New Age-y (read: yoga-friendly) vein.

I bought this CD, Soma, several years ago but have only listened to it twice.  I found out on Wikipedia that while Rich was a kid growing up in the desert, he was a big fan of cacti and succulents, just like I am today.  The title of this post is the name of a tremendous rock song by Magic Dirt, which I found in about a nanosecond by simply typing "touch" into my iTunes' search field, and as soon as I saw said song title pop up, I smiled, knowing that Fortuna's wheel had spun my way.  I will be posting that song someday.

Speaking of touching space, this Mark Sanchez flinch has been cracking me up for three weeks straight:

Planets with similar climates: Biosphere - "Poa Alpina" (1997), Tangerine Dream - "Sequent C'" (1973), Brian Eno - "1/2" (1978).

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